Yii Application Requirement Checker This script checks if your server configuration meets the requirements for running Yii application. It checks if the server is running the right version of PHP, if appropriate PHP extensions have been loaded, and if php.ini file settings are correct. Check conclusion: ----------------- PHP version: OK Reflection extension: OK PCRE extension: OK SPL extension: OK Ctype extension: OK MBString extension: OK OpenSSL extension: OK Intl extension: OK ICU version: OK ICU Data version: OK Fileinfo extension: OK DOM extension: OK IPv6 support: OK PDO extension: OK PDO SQLite extension: OK PDO MySQL extension: OK PDO PostgreSQL extension: OK Memcache extension: OK GD PHP extension with FreeType support: OK ImageMagick PHP extension with PNG support: OK Expose PHP: WARNING!!! Required by: Security reasons Memo: "expose_php" should be disabled at php.ini PHP allow url include: OK PHP mail SMTP: OK ------------------------------------------ Errors: 0 Warnings: 1 Total checks: 23